
Hey Thea!

I hope you got a chance to sleep in a little on this beautiful Saturday morning, and that you had a fantastic week! I can’t wait to see your reading totals from the week, and how you did on your homework packet, when it comes back Monday. :)

I wonder what you’ve been up to, not having spoken to you all week. I’m crossing my fingers that it was fun, at least, but I worry about you having enough to do, and not being bored. Now that the weather’s getting colder, and the rain’s coming, I want to make sure we knock out as many fun things to do outside before we have to pack it in for the year, lol. This week, we should grab our big blanket, and all head up the trail to the spot where we played croquet, and either do that again, or, play card or a board game. We should have another month left before it’s too cold to go. ;)

Tomorrow, it’ll only be one month until you’re a full decade old! I can’t believe how fast you’re getting older. It feels like just yesterday you weren’t even in school yet. Now, you do computer animation just for fun, it’s nuts. I’m really proud of the strong girl you’re becoming. Standing up for what’s right, and making kind, empathetic decisions. I can’t wait to see how what the next year brings. :)

Don’t forget to check here tomorrow, for your last post of the week.

I Love you you so, so much, and miss you ten times that amount,




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Hi Thea!

Happy Friday! Last day of the school week, so, make sure to turn in your homework packet if it’s finished! If not, turn in what you do have done, and I’ll talk to Mrs. McCarstle, and make sure you get some extra time to finish it when you come back this week, no worries at all. I can’t wait to see your reading time totals from this week when you get home, too, since you’ve been doing such an awesome job with it this month. before this current week, you’d already read 460 minutes, and finished three books, which is awesome! I’m really, really proud of you, and how well you’re showing off what a big fourth grader you are, making homework a priority, and staying up to speed… really great work.

I really hope that you’ve had a great week! I got a chance to see Phoebe last night at her open house for school. Adriane brought her, and picked her up, so we visited and talked with all of her teachers. It was a lot of fun, as they set it up like a high-schooler’s regular school day, with all of the classes in order, even passing periods. Only Mrs. Buell wasn’t there, since I guess she was sick. You might remember her from last year, since Pheebs had her for ASL last year, too. Her chemistry teacher did a neat experiment and set my hand on fire, and I even got to wear goggles. It’s going to be so cool when you get to high school, and get to start taking all of the same fun classes. It got me thinking… what if for Thea Time this coming week, we look up some cool experiments we can do at home, that aren’t dangerous, and give them a shot? Give it some thought, and let me know what you think on Sunday.

Have a fantastic Friday at school! I love the heck out of you, and miss you so much!



Nightgown Night!

Nightgown Night!

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Hey Kiddo!

I hope that your yesterday was really awesome. Katelyn called after your appointment, and said that things went really well, so, I’m guessing you probably felt the same. It must be kinda cool to get out of class for your appointments, and have them somewhere that you’re comfortable, instead of driving to the children’s center, and meeting there. :)

I hope school was fun, and that you’re continuing to make more and more friends each day! I talked to the librarian, and you’re all set for your copy of Towervale, after the event on October 2nd! It’s already paid for, so you just have to go to the library afterward, and they’ll hand it right over to you. There’s an app for your phone that goes with the book, and it sounds like the whole thing’s gonna be really cool. Somewhere, I took note of the server address for the Minecraft world that’s based on it, too. I have NO idea how to use it, lol, but I know that you do, so we’ll get it all figured out once you get the book!

So, I remembered an old anime lots of people talked about that premiered the year that Belle was born. I did some research, and it should be appropriate for you to see, and deals with some really relevant concepts in our current age, and has some really cool philosophical ideas behind it. It’s called Serial Experiments: Lain, and I made the title a link, so you can read about it, and see if you’d be interested. I got you all of the episodes, so, if it sounds interesting, you can start watching it for TV time this coming week! Also, the song of the day yesterday was the title theme from the show, which was what made me think of it. ;)

I miss you very, very much, and can’t wait to see you Sunday!!

Love you,




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Hey Sugar!

I hope that you had an awesome day yesterday, and that today is going to be fantastic as well. Today is your first therapist appointment with Katelyn at school, and I think that’ll be super convenient and fun. She seems really awesome, and it seems like you’re really comfortable with her, but, if for any reason you start to feel like you’re not, please make sure to let me know. ;)

It’s really tricky writing you one sided conversations, lol, since I have no idea what you’ve been up to, lol. I’m guessing you’ve been making some edits, keeping up with Bethany, maybe playing some Minecraft? I hope you’ve remembered to keep up with your homework packet, too. I tried to make sure we got as much out of the way on Saturday as possible, so you would have a light load this week. There were only a few sheets of math left, and you should be able to knock those out without help, being the little math whiz that you are. If you do get stuck, though, since you can’t message or call me, make sure you ask Mrs. McCarstle in class. I made sure to let her know the situation, so she’s prepared to take time to help you in class, if you need it. It’s always okay to ask for help. ;)

I hope you’re having lots of fun, and I miss and love you so, so much!





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Hey sugar!

I found about about y’all having your phones taken away last night, because I’d messaged you. I’m really sorry, and, for the time being, I won’t message you, so that you don’t get in trouble. I do need you to understand, though, that you’re not doing anything wrong by communicating with me, even if someone says otherwise. I’m sorry things are this way right now, but I promise that they’ll get better soon.

I hope that you had a fantastic day at school! I’m looking forward to when you come home Sunday, as I’ve been thinking about some of the things we’d talked about last week. I have some ideas about the podcast that I think we should discuss, to see if maybe we agree, and can get back to it. I thought maybe rather than do one specific theme, we could have two, and alternate each time. We can talk more about it when you get back. ;)

I miss you an awful lot, and love you so, so much. More tomorrow!



Homework Thea

Homework Thea

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Hi kid!

I hope that you had a good night last night! I know that it was only 6pm until bedtime, but I hope that you did something fun. None of you ever replied in the Discord channel, so, I’m guessing you were either busy, or maybe even went to bed early.

I hope you’re keeping up on your 20 minutes of reading per night? I tried to put books on your iPad that would be fun to read, that you’d enjoy, not simply reading because it’s required. :) The Patrick Carman trilogy seemed really cool and interesting, and he’s the author that’s coming to your school on October 2nd! Speaking of which… the presentation that he’s doing on his new book, Towervale, that we bought you, is at the same time as your therapy appointment, so, I talked to Katelyn, and moved your appointment, so that you won’t miss it. How cool is that?

Also, The Witch came out last night. I don’t think she’s ever come out by herself before, and never when you haven’t been home, I don’t think? The note just said “Thea, where did you go, and why haven’t you written to us?” Do you want me to reply for you, or wait until you come home?

So, In my letters to each of you, I’m including a photo, and a song, so, those will be at the bottom of each of these. I can’t explain to you how much I miss you, and cannot wait until Sunday to see you.

I love you so, so much.


Dentist Curly Girl

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