Hi kid!
I hope that you had a good night last night! I know that it was only 6pm until bedtime, but I hope that you did something fun. None of you ever replied in the Discord channel, so, I’m guessing you were either busy, or maybe even went to bed early.
I hope you’re keeping up on your 20 minutes of reading per night? I tried to put books on your iPad that would be fun to read, that you’d enjoy, not simply reading because it’s required. :) The Patrick Carman trilogy seemed really cool and interesting, and he’s the author that’s coming to your school on October 2nd! Speaking of which… the presentation that he’s doing on his new book, Towervale, that we bought you, is at the same time as your therapy appointment, so, I talked to Katelyn, and moved your appointment, so that you won’t miss it. How cool is that?
Also, The Witch came out last night. I don’t think she’s ever come out by herself before, and never when you haven’t been home, I don’t think? The note just said “Thea, where did you go, and why haven’t you written to us?” Do you want me to reply for you, or wait until you come home?
So, In my letters to each of you, I’m including a photo, and a song, so, those will be at the bottom of each of these. I can’t explain to you how much I miss you, and cannot wait until Sunday to see you.
I love you so, so much.