So, finally, months after we had wanted to, we watched The Social Network last night. With David Fincher directing, Jesse Eisenberg starring, and Trent Reznor building the score, it was hard not to have really high expectations. As I expected, though, those expectations were met, and then some. Fincher has directed a handful of my favorite films, and although The Social Network was a departure from what types of films we're accustomed to Fincher putting out, it was brilliantly crafted, and maintained a lot of the style seen previously in films like Fight Club. Being Fincher's maiden voyage into the world of strict drama, I think the film's topic made it managable, and brought the right audience.
A lot of people get Michael Cera and Jesse Eisenberg confused, which I can understand, but Eisenberg obviously has the talent to pull a project like this off. His turn in Zombieland made me a fan, and had cult classic written all over it, if not for the commercial success of the film. Eisenberg made Zuckerberg that guy who you feel like you're supposed to dislike, but just can't bring yourself to, because in some ways he's you, and in others, he's someone you want to be. Eisenberg's wit in motion is unrivaled, partly due to the writing, and in part due to his perfect delivery. Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake turn in excellent supporting roles, and the remainder of the cast was well thought out, even Bill Gates' brief cameo.
Trent Reznor's score, as expected, is brilliant from start to finish. Since Reznor's involvement as the composer for the film One Hour Photo never panned out, this marks his first full venture into film score. Reznor's pairing with Fincher's work makes sense the same way Elfman/Burton or Lynch/Badalementi does, quite complimentary, in feel and tone. Additionally, the entire score is rather "standalone", in the fact that you can listen to it outside of the film. Reznor's version of Edvard Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King is really something to behold, making the 1876 piece sound shockingly modern.
Also notable are Hand Covers Bruise:
and the amazing Complication With Optimistic Outcome
**The soundtrack is available through iTunes here
The only problem I really had with the film, was that it didn't encompass all of the facts. Particularly relating to Timberlake's Sean Parker. While Napster is mentioned several times in the film, no mention of Shawn Fanning is ever made, who was, in actuality, the true creator of Napster, with Parker being his business partner. This isn't that big of a deal, and is understandable since Fanning had no involvement with Facebook, however, the film never even mentions his existence.
If you've yet to catch this film, you can watch the trailer to the left, but I'd recommend just watching the film instead.
Writing: 9.0
Directing: 9.5
Cast Performance: 9.0
Soundtrack/Score: 9.5
Cinematography: 10.0