Happy Monday, Thea!
I hope that you had a good night last night! I already miss you a whole bunch!
We’re going to need to talk about your birthday… You’ve told me the things you want for your birthday, but not what it is that you want to do, just that you don’t want to go to SkyZone, this year. We need to discuss, because at the exchange, Mom suggested that we all go to dinner together, and I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about that. I want you to know that it is your birthday, so, you are able to do whatever it is that you want, and are comfortable with, and are free to say so. If you’d like to do dinner together, awesome, we’ll set it up. If you’d prefer to do something here, that doesn’t include mom, and then do something with her at her place, separately, that’s totally fine, too. Just make sure that you’re honest, and whatever it is that you’d prefer, we’ll make happen. I know that historically, birthdays and holidays with all of us together haven’t always been the best, so, if you want to give it another shot, that’s totally awesome. If not, that’s fine, too. As long as you understand that what you want, is all that’s important. :)
I can’t wait to finish To Kill a Mockingbird, when you get home! I forgot to tell you three things. One, there is a sequel to the book, that was released a few years ago. It’s a little sketchy, as the author had always said she didn’t want to release it, but, when she started to get older, it seems as though her caretaker started to make decisions on her behalf, and nobody is really quite sure if she wanted the novel released, or not. Also, they made a movie of the book many, many years ago… around the time that the old episodes of The Twilight Zone that we watch were airing on TV. It stars a very famous actor from the time, named Gregory Peck. It’s in black and white, but, I was able to find a copy, and have it ready for when we finish the book. Maybe we can do our first podcast on the book, and compare it to the film?
Also, we’ll need to chat about the story idea I had, so we can talk about whether you want to hear it, and write about it, do a podcast about it, write a comic book about it… or, none of the above. :)
Anyway, I hope that you have a fantastic day, and I love and miss you very, very much!