Happy Wednesday, Thea!
It feels like forever since I’ve seen or talked to you, I miss you so much! I’m writing this post a little later in the morning, as I found out that you didn’t go to school today, and I figure you wouldn’t likely be reading it on the way to school, since you didn’t go today. Mom texted me that you weren’t feeling very well, and I really hope that it’s nothing too serious. If we’re looking historically, out of all of us, you and I are the ones that tend to get sick the least often. I don’t remember the last time I had a cold, or the flu, and, can only remember you having a cold once or twice over the last five or six years. That said, I hope you’re feeling okay. :)
Sorry that I didn’t get a post up yesterday. I really love writing to y’all, but, finding the right photos, a perfect song of the day, and writing the posts can take a while. That’s not to say that I don’t love doing it… just that it can be time consuming, so, some days I have to hold it off in favor of more pressing matters. ;)
So, one thing that we’re really going to need to talk about, is Christmas. I got an e-mail from Santa, and he’s very worried about what to bring you. He said that he’d heard about our talks about toys, and how you love them at first, but don’t play with them for very long. He said that he wants to bring you something that you’d really be happy with, and, with you already now having a bike, and a hoverbaord, he’s not sure what he can bring you, that you’ll appreciate, have an interest in, and use for more than a few days. Sooo, what I really need from you, is to think hard about some things that you’d genuinely want for Christmas. Now that mom bought Charlie Alexi, without really consulting any of us, and eventually he’ll end up coming here, whether I like it or not, I think any type of pet is probably out. We can discuss it, though.
Anyway, I really, really hope that you’re feeling okay/better, and please get in touch today, if you need anything.
I love you bunches, and bunches, and bunches, and bunches,