Hi Kiddo!
I’m really glad your Friday went well, when you get your grade back fro your algebra II test re-take, I’m sure you’ll have nailed it! I know it’s been hard that you haven’t been allowed to hang out with Lou, but, am so happy that you were able to go to the movies with Holly last night. Sorry the movie wasn’t as good as you were hoping, especially considering it’s like THREE hours long, lol.
I’m a little worried about you being sick, and wish I could get some vitamin C and cough drops to you, did you ask Mom for some, like I’d suggested? I have some here, so, if you don’t get any today, you’ll have some for sure when you get home tomorrow. Just make sure you’re staying warm, and getting plenty of rest, even if that means naps. Historically, none of you kids tend to get sick very often, but, when and if you do, it almost always tends to be when the seasons change from Summer to Fall.
Are you allowed to talk to Lou, or, are you just not allowed to hang out with her? not sure if the two of you tried setting any plans up for this week. Maybe something after early release on Monday, or something? We’ll get it figured out. :)
I hope you get plenty of rest today, and take it easy so you can get better, faster. The entire album that today’s song-of-the-day is from, is right up your alley, and you might want to give the whole thing a listen. ;)
I miss you an awful lot, and can’t wait to see you tomorrow! There’ll be a new post in the morning!