Happy Wednesday, Charlie!
I’m so sorry about the fight you got into with Mom yesterday, and that she wouldn’t let me pick you up from School on Monday. There’s a weird difference that I don’t understand, in that she’ll let me pick Phoebe up when she asks, but not you. I don’t understand why, but, I’m sorry. As far as the fight is concerned, I’m really sorry that it happened, and I wish she were more able to understand why you were upset. For the first time that I can recall, she messaged me after you left, and asked what she should do. I told her to try to see things from your perspective, and apologize. To let you cool off, then try to have a calm conversation with you. Hopefully, she tried that. I hope that you understand that when it comes to a situation like that, your opinion is still valid, and it isn’t a situation in which she’s right, just because she’s the parent. You deserve the ability to tell a parent when something makes you uncomfortable, even if it’s something that that parent is doing.
Anyway, it was too late to message you after we’d gotten off of the phone, but I talked to Aunt Danielle last night, for a little more than two hours. We got caught up, and I pitched the Thanksgiving idea. She seemed really disappointed that Uncle Derek didn’t want to come, but, I might talk to him again, and see if maybe I can sway the tides, and mayyyybe even have everyone all together at once. It’s a long shot, but not entirely impossible. She’s going to talk to Toby, and see if they’re up for any type of Thanksgiving gathering. We’ll have to toy with dates, and make sure we work in something for your birthday, even if it isn’t ON Thanksgiving. This whole thing is going to take a LOT of planning, driving, money, and effort, so try to be patient, and bear with me. We’ll need to discuss, as a family, whether or not we want to try to swing by Christy’s for a quick visit, and where we’re going to try to stay once we get to CA. I don’t THINK Nanny will have any interest in seeing me, but, I would like to try, if y’all think it’s a possibility. I’m less interested in seeing Nanny than Granddan, but still. If everything works out, we can let Sarah know we’re in town, too, and let her know that you all would like to see her.
Anyway, I hope that you have a fantastic day today at school, and after. I miss you a whole, whole bunch, and love you a million billion.