So sorry your post wasn’t ready this morning! I feel really, really awful about it, but I was so, so tired last night, that I fell asleep around 9:00p, and never set my alarm. Usually, I write these before I go to bed, or, wake up really early, and write them right before you get up. I hope you understand that it wasn’t that it wasn’t important to me, I just knocked the heck out. I hope you had a good day at school, and it feels weird not to have talked to you very much. :(
I love and miss you a whole, whole bunch, and wish I could just talk to you whenever I wanted to. I’ll have a full post tomorrow morning, and I’m sorry this one was cut short. :(
I will get these written this afternoon. I had too many things I was working on last night, and I didn’t make it to writing posts as I’d intended. Will get them up before nightfall. 😉
Love, you a billion,