Phoebe — Ask My Kids — Ctrl+Alt+Destroy


Ask My Kids #008

In the eighth episode of "Ask My Kids", Otto, a long-time friend from the super way-back asks Phoebe (age six)...

"What is a 'boombox'?"

As always, feel free to submit your own question here:
You Ask My Kids!

Ask My Kids! is now a video podcast available free on iTunes!
You can subscribe from this link.

Episdode #008:
Posed to Phoebe:
"What is a 'boombox'?"

Ask My Kids! #008 from Ctrl+Alt+Destroy on Vimeo.

Ask My Kids #007

In the seventh episode of "Ask My Kids", our very close family friend ElXcel asks Phoebe (age six)......

"Where Do Unicorns Come From?"

As always, feel free to submit your own question here:
You Ask My Kids!

Episdode #007:
Posed to Phoebe:
"Where Do Unicorns Come From?"

Ask My Kids! #007 from Ctrl+Alt+Destroy on Vimeo.

Ask My Kids #005

In the fifth episode of Ask My Kids!, Phoebe rocks your diet with a user-submitted question. This submission comes from my Jennifer, a long-time friend of our family.

As always, feel free to submit your own question here:
You Ask My Kids!

Episdode #005:
Posed to Phoebe:
"Why is it Bad for You to Eat Too Much Salt?"

Ask My Kids! #005 from Ctrl+Alt+Destroy on Vimeo.

Ask My Kids #004

In the fourth episode of Ask My Kids!, we're introduced to yet another new kid, Phoebe, our six year-old who brought home a literally perfect report card. This submission comes from my wife, @daphne, who is brilliant and funny.

As always, feel free to submit your own question here:
You Ask My Kids!

Episdode #004:
Posed to Phoebe:
"Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers?"

Ask My Kids! #004 from Ctrl+Alt+Destroy on Vimeo.